Cash on Delivery

Cash on Delivery

You can use "Cash on Delivery" as an accepted offline payment method. Cash on delivery is enabled by default and available for all RapidSale accounts. You can add cash on delivery on an existing shopping cart or when creating a new one.

Note: Cash on delivery is only available for physical products only.

a) While creating a shopping cart, select cash on delivery.

b) When editing an existing shopping cart: Visit the infopage for the specific plugs and go to the payment methods section. There you will be able to enable and disabled cash on delivery.

The cash on delivery option will be available in the shopping cart to the customer.

Once the customer completes the order, RapidSale will automatically generate an invoice with "Unpaid" status and "Amount Due" below the totals.

When you receive payment from the customer, visit your "Sales" page and mark the sale as paid. RapidSale will generate a new invoice with an updated invoice status set to "Paid" and automatically send it to the customer via email.